
Pedram Ejtemaie

Artist biography

Pedram ejtemaee
Born in 1986, Bojnourd, Iran

BSc in Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahvaz, Iran, 2016
MA in Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2017

Group exhibition:
2019. Landscape before the Eyes, Silk Road Gallery. Tehran. Iran

2016. First Place, Razavi National Festival: Competition in Architecture Branch, Tabriz, Iran
2014. First Place, “An” Photography Competition: Jihadi Management Branch (four pieces selected), Semnan, Iran
2013. First Place, “An” Photography Competition: Praise and Prayers Branch (two pieces selected), Semnan,
2013. Second Place, National Moharam Festival – Hosseini Feasts, Tehran, Iran
2010-2017. Admitted to the Exhibition sections of over 35 national and international photography festivals, Birjand, Arak, Bandar Abas, Bojnourd, Tehran, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan


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